F1 Weekend Roundup 2013


Every year I look forward to the Abu Dhabi F1 weekend, but this year was EXTRA special as not only was baby bro in town for all the action, but his best friend from childhood (and my adopted brother!) Mohammed was also in town to join in with all the shenanigans! Continue reading

Exclusive Interview with Malin Andrén


Yes so I went off the blogging grid again! I know I promised to try and stay focused, but I lost my mojo somewhere after my last few posts and honestly haven’t had time to dedicate to C&C. But I’ve decided to kick myself in the arse (metaphorically speaking coz I don’t think it is physically possible to do so!) and get back to what I love, especially as I’ve got to interview some fabulous people over the past few months starting off with the lovely Malin Andrén, designer behind By Malina. Continue reading

Birthday Celebrations for Mr Shef Codes!


One the first clients we signed to XO PR was my very dear friend, Shefan Lantra, aka Mr Shef Codes. Not only is Shef one of the most amazing friends that I have, but he is genuinely one of the most talented DJs in Dubai. This weekend we celebrated his birthday in style at 411 and it was BANANAS! Continue reading

Seher & the City: Tribes Review


I’ve been eating out a lot recently. Actually I eat out most days or order in. The kitchen in my apartment is used for the random occasions I like to make myself beans on toast (no judging – I love it!), so it’s safe to say I’ve probably tried and tested a fair few restaurants in Dubai. One restaurant that I do like to indulge in now and again is Tribes. Continue reading

Beauty Secret: 3LAB

So many of you ask me what my beauty regime is. Well I can’t say I follow a strict one. I have fallen asleep without removing my makeup on numerous occasions and then there are days that I forget to moisturise completely. Yes I know how bad that is and in my old age I know I will probably curse myself for not taking better care of my skin, but I do try – honest! Continue reading