Disney gets Vogued

I’m not even going to lie – I am the biggest Disney junkie you will possibly ever find. I cannot go to Oxford Street without going into the Disney Store, my favourite pastime is watching classic Disney movies on Dvd, I have a CD of Disney songs I listen to in the car when no one else is around and every Halloween I dress up like a different Disney Princess! Yes I do know how old I am, but I do not care. I am a Disney-holic and I am proud to be!!

So when I clapped eyes on artist Dante Taylor’s “Vogue Princesses” series I actually squealed with delight. I absolutely LOVE his different perspective of these once-sweet-and-dainty damsels. The Vogue Princesses series shows my favourite princesses all grown up. From the naive Snow White to the self-sacrificing Belle, these Vogue Princesses magazine covers give them all edgy looks, as though they have been seasoned by the fashion industry.

I’m actually going to have these prints blown up and framed. That’s how much I love them. High fashion coupled with my childhood love for Disney – what more could a girl ask for?!